Looking for Partnership
The Cluster MEDEE – Motors and Electrical Devices for Energy Efficiency - brings together companies and academics around collaborative Research & Development & Innovation (R&D&I) projects. MEDEE federates a community of actors specialized in electrical engineering: multinational companies, innovative SMEs, start-ups, laboratories, and universities.
The Cluster MEDEE R&D&I topics are related to several sectors and target markets:
- Industrial processes energy efficiency
- Electricity generation from renewable sources
- Smart Transmission System
- Transportation (rail, More Electric Aircraft, electrical vehicle…)
Since June 2017, the Cluster MEDEE develops a specific strategy to support collaborative projects between its members and African stakeholders. The objective is to support concrete energy projects on the continent, while strengthening the electricity sector in France. We pursue mid-term and long-term objectives in Africa as our action implies opening new markets and developing synergies in the R&D sector and training with African partners.
The cluster MEDEE works for the operational implementation of this ambition, by delivering supports for:
- access to funding and financing solutions,
- identifying economic, academic or institutional partners in Africa and France,
- technical evaluation and improvement of projects
- international promotion of innovative solutions from partners
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Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
Innovation & Research
Clean Transport
Smart Mobility
4 years ago
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