ORiK - Sustanabile development and Competitiveness
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
ORiK - Sustainable Development and Competitiveness is an organization with the goal to connect the economy, public and science sector to achieve all developmental and comeptitiveness goals of the region. The organization gathers together self-government units (cities and municipalities), physical and legal entities, as well as science institutions.
The organizations area of acitivit includes economy, international cooperation, culture and art, education, science and research, sustainable development, environmental and natural protection, as well as technical culture.
The main acitivities are:
- concection between business, science and public entities
- promotion, specialisation and support to members
- organization of business events
- cooperation with ministries, agencies, organizations and intstitutions
- education in the field of evinronmental, science and field of entrepreneurship
- encuraging new solutions for social and evironmental solutions
- researsch and development, design and monitoring of magazines, bochures and flyers
- conecting to similar organizations in the world
- economy activities (orgaznization of conferences, event management, consutlations)
The organization also applicates projects within the Programmes:
The members have a long-year experience in project management, preparation of projects and building up business clusters.
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Low-Carbon Economy
Energy Efficiency
Sustainable Development
Horizon Europe
LIFE programme
5 years ago
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