Nikolaos Gkonos
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Grands-Project is a new R&D initiative in the region of South Aegean. Due to the absence of enterprises with expertise in research and implementation of European funded programs as well as business plans of legal entities under private and public sector, it led to the creation of a team, consisting of postgraduate and PhD researchers with background in humanities, business administration and IT. Our aim is to conduct a thorough research of available financial tools for the implementation of investment and development projects.
The European union’s objectives for the period of 2021-2027 are as follows:
- European Green Deal
- An economy that works for people
- A Europe fit for the digital age
- Protecting our European way of life
- A stronger Europe in the world
- A new push for European democracy
Consequently, the above objectives will promote an equitable development of its members, eliminating as much as possible any imbalances. Thereby, our experience and knowledge in EU policy can be characterized as our tools in the accomplishment of your business plan
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Single Market
Project Management
Academic Writing
2 years ago
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