National Directorate of Sincan
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Sincan District is located in the western part of Ankara- the capital city of Turkey.Sincan Directorate of National Education is one of the most populous districts in the Organized Industrial Zone, which attracts a large number of immigrants from other regions. It has a remarkably low socio-economic and socio-cultural level, and the number of foreign citizens has grown in recent years. Sincan District Directorate of National Education is in charge of educational activities in our district, which includes 104 personnel, 173 educational institutions, 5985 teachers, and 100390 students. In all areas,we want to be a significant educational institution. Our goal is to raise successful and happy people who are open-minded, peaceful, democratic, open to new ideas, competitive, and problem-solvers. All educational and training activities in Sincan, including pre-primary, primary, secondary, vocational, technical, and adult education, are planned, coordinated, and managed by our institution.Our educational institutions collaborate with local governments, non-governmental organizations, the OIZ, and SISIAD.Local governments seek to alleviate socioeconomic and sociocultural inequalities in our region. The District National Education Directorate keeps in-service training activities up to date to meet the needs of the twenty-first century. Especially, for eTwinning and Erasmus + projects, the teachers in the county are given workshops,seminars,webinars and all the necessary support whenever needed. As for schools, Sincan Directorate of National Education gives much importance to performing of educational activities' going ahead properly,so it provides every opportunity that schools need.
Our instutititon essentially tries to involve the whole areas' pupils in lots of sporting and cultural activities, structuring it in a fun and at the same time constructive way, increasing the creative-cognitive element, arousing the interest of the pupils and increase motivation and participation in them. The equipment and any facilitative support (balls,net,instructor.. ) needed for sports and cultural activities are presented to the schools that calls for.Schools in our directorate are constantly increasing the engagement in programs such as eTwinning and Erasmus+, TÜBİTAK, Development Agency, SOGEP, as well as Projects’ Market.As a result, our district's interest in EU collaborations has risen steadily over the years. Furthermore, the Research&Development unit, which is part of our Directorate, provides teacher training on projects throughout the district and assists our schools with the project writing process and those whose projects have been accepted.
Our Sincan District National Education Directorate has worked on Grundtvig and Erasmus + projects in the past, and the National Agency has donated these initiatives. As an Instutition,we envision a world in which everyone can lead a prosperous and dignified life within the boundaries of the Earth with no limitations in every part of life,especially in education. Our instutition strive to get the voice of students' and teachers', and acts as a platform for facilitator on social integration,cultural and educational issues. We are in position to undertake the development of the dissemination, communication and exploitation strategy. Our mission is to empower our students and instructors to construct, grow, and live in sustainable, inclusive, and peaceful communities by partnering with key stakeholders in educational, intercultural, social, environmental, and sport activities.Our fundamental goal is to make lifelong learning accessible and sustainable to all beneficiaries. We take advantage of every action we are involved.Besides cooperating and supporting issues, we have been involved in projects and put our signature under important successes. As international projects, we are funded on the KA202 project titled 'Innovation and Smart Maintenance in Solar System in 2021.The success in teacher' team tournaments and the sports fields (voleyball,basketball,table tennis and archery) are our milestones for us to go forward in this route and make it steady.
The calls are we are following all Erasmus+, e-Twinning, Salto-Youth, TÜBİTAK,Teknofest,SOGEP, Project Bazaar and all national and local project calls.