Murat Ocak
Over 15 years of post-graduate professional experience working as Senior Non-Key TNA Expert, Senior SME Expert, Senior Expert, Senior Business Diagnostic Expert, Non-Key Expert for Service Manual development for Business Development Centres, Operations Manager, Project Manager, Managing Partner, Senior Advisor & Trainer, Project Coordinator, Managing Partner, Senior Advisor & Trainer, Short Term Expert/ Finance & Strategies, Long Term Expert/ Innovation and Technology Transfer.
- Almost 5 years of experience in in offering business planning consultancy to SMEs through working for;
- Technical Assistance for the Establishment of Osmaniye Enterprise Development Centre (Osmaniye ISGEM).
- Technical Assistance for the Establishment of Common Use Facility (CUF) under the Operation of "Big Partnership of Small Industrialists"
- Technical Assistance for Bafra Business and Export Development Unit (BEDU).
- Technical Assistance For Gaziantep Regional Industrial Design And Modelling Centre.
- Developing of the European Turkish Business Centres Network - Lot 1 / National Pre-Accession Financial Assistance Programme for Turkey 2005
- Extensive experience on developing R&D project, for different SMEs to be served to Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) on Machinary and Chemical Products Manufacturing Technologies also preparation of R&D projects, in drafting applications for SMEs to obtain TUBITAK grants, and apply for EUREKA and FP7 projects,
- Over 5 years of professional experience as project coordinator and extensive on experience in management of EU-funded grant projects: Worked as EU Turkish Business Centre Director between 07/2008 and 06/2010 in Malatya/Turkey. And Business Service Manager in EU Turkish Business Centre between 09/2004 and 02/2007 in Gaziantep/Turkey;
- Experienced with development & delivery of formal and on-the-job trainings on project cycle management of EU & other donor grants, (trainings for grantees in mentioned grant schemes – 10+ trainings);
- Experience in following domains: economic and SME development, innovation, capacity building, business cooperation and support, entrepreneurship support, private sector development; market research, SME diagnostic and situation analysis for activities; preparation of needs assessments, business plans and corporate plans;
- Highly experienced evaluator and monitor of Regional Development Agencies’ grant funding projects and programmes;
- Solid experience in the financial management and control of implementation of projects financed by different instruments;
- Experience in delivering “Young Entrepreneurship Trainings” supported by Small and Medium Business Development and Support Administration (KOSGEB) which contains start-up, finance, human resource, accounting, marketing and management tools for potential business start-ups. (20+ trainings with 500+ participants.);
- More than 10 years of post- graduate experience in procurement of services and supplies following national and EU rules;
- Deep understanding of PCM and Log-frame methodology, good analytical skills; experience in drawing up reports;
- Good analytical skills; experience in drawing up reports;
- Knowledge of the national legislation on SMEs, public entities and human resources, labour market, education and training;
- Knowledge of national, regional and EU development documents and strategies and PRAG rules.
Strong in verbal and written presentation, handling sensitive settings, workshop and conference facilitation, editing complex documents, knowledge management, developing manuals, fact-finding and reporting under pressure, designing and conducting organisational and functional reviews.