Kuryviniu iniciatyvu centras
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Kurybiniu iniciatyvu centras (KIC) is a NGO for youth and adult art and crafts education. The centre has lessons on painting, photography, textile art and other artistic activities. 3-4 teachers are working at the centre. KIC is providing courses for youth, adults, children and families in the field of art and handcrafts. The main target groups are unemployed people taking part in the possibility to learn new speciality, as well people with disabilities and seniors. The organization has existed since 2006 and is constantly increasing its quality and quantity. The main courses, providing by our teachers and youth workers are: photography, working with natural materials in the fields of: textile, ceramics, decoupage. All of the artistic activities are mainly based on the traditional national handcrafts and on Lithuanian heritage.
From 2012 center started providing 6 month course of Photography for unemployed people. It is project with the Lithuanian Labour Exchange office. This course of photography have aim to promote self confidence, entrepreneurship, to encourage participants to start and develope their own business. Since 2013 started lessons of photography in Kaunas center of disabled youth. Since 2015 KIC together with Kaunas library is providing courses of photography for Kaunas seniors organisations.
KIC is very active in the international projects. NGO is coordinating and participate as a partner in projects since 2006: NordPlus Adult staff mobility; Leonardo da Vinci PLM, IVT, Grundtvig: learning partnership; Grundtvig senior volunteering, workshop. Now participates in Erasmus+ program projects.
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Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Creative Industries
4 years ago
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