Gediminas Mikulenas
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Dr. Gediminas Mikulenas
In 1988 Dr. Gediminas Mikulenas doctoral dissertation was about “Recognition of biosignals on the basis correlation analysis”. As PHD of applied mathematics he worked many years at Kaunas University of Technology. Dr. Gediminas Mikulenas created of UAB Foritas, greenfield investment management, implementation of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 standard for laundry, management and development of laundry business. 55 new jobs have been created since its establishment. He presented the Foritas project to the Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI) European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on May 2010. At the some time he works for Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinics hospital laundry. He was responsible for the start of the laundry, and now for the process management, innovation. In the same time the smart t-shirt project has been developed on the side by passion and private funds for the last 5 years. 2021 received the "Lithuanian Honor" national invention of the year award. There is a full TV recording: