Jasmine George
Looking for Partnership
Board of Directors - Fédération Mondiale du Cirque (World Circus Federation) Based in Monte Carlo, the federation aims to raise awareness globally for corcus arts through its work with circus, events with the public, attending parliamentary enquiries and lobbying UNESCO for Intangible Heritage listings to protect circus ;
Founding Director and Producer of Australian Circus Festival, Australia's International Olympics of Circus Arts, inviting the worlds top performers, directors, agents and producers to take part in a four day event held under four BigTops. The festival contains the main competition, shows, displays, forums and workshops.
Founding Director, Creative Director, Coach and Mentor for Creations, an international boutique act creation company for circus performers. Artists come to learn dance, movement and to increase their corcus skills repertoire, they receive Professional Ettiquette training, training in Marketing and then have the first five years of their careers managed by ;
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Arts Education
Creative Industries
Cultural heritage
Cultural Management
Culture and Development
3 years ago
Youth Exchanges
Arts Education
Creative Industries
Cultural heritage
Cultural Management
Culture and Development
Performing Arts
3 years ago
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