A.S.D. Scuola del Cammino Fitwalking Italia
Looking for Partnership
The Scuola del Cammino Fitwalking Italia is an amateur sports association - affiliated to the Italian Athletics Federation – with 20 years of experiences in sport field.
Our main purposes: to promote and develop sports and physical activities in the context of "popular walking", with particular attention to the accessibility for all. The ASD in recent years has developed specific expertise in walking, and is the reference for the technical management of the discipline of Fitwalking launched by the Former Olympic Champion Maurizio Damilano (actual President of the association) with his brother Giorgio Damilano.
Our main activities are:
• to promote Fitwalking and walking at all level underlining the positive effects on health.
• to organize Fitwalking course, walking demonstration, walking groups and similar activities with the purpose of promoting walking as physical exercise to prevent and improve health, as well as a mean of prevention alongside traditional treatments for those types of diseases defined activity "sensitive exercise”.
• to organize sports and walking events.
• to organize activities belonging to sustainable mobility (such as “pedibus”, promoting the use of walking path, …) and raise awareness, at a local level, of the importance of realizing truly walkable cities.
• to design and participate into sports and health projects based on physical exercise as a primary and secondary prevention tool, at any level. Walking can be used as a treatment and administered regularly to patients, for example, with sensitive exercise conditions.
Scuola del Cammino Fitwalking Italia is interested in European sports, education, environmental and health projects.
The association has leaded several projects at local and national levels with schools (“Progetto Scuole” with Regione Piemonte) and Public Health Service (“Muoviamoci - Utilizzo metodico dell’attività fisica sul territorio per persone over 65 affette o a rischio di malattie corniche esercizio sensibili” with Public Service of Sports Medicine of “City of Turin” ASL).
Moreover it is participating into and ERASMUS+ 2014/2020 Sport Project named Let's fit healthy life! - The role of sport in regenerating deprived areas (2018 – 3835/001 – 001)
We strongly believe in walking and physical activities:
- Because walking is the movement more practicable by all.
- It represents the mobility proposal, which can be used by young and old people alike.
- Walking is a way of experiencing different contexts, territories and cities, often in a natural dimension and with healthy perspectives. It is a sustainable mobility system for the environment, and able to improve the quality of citizens' life.
- Walking is “easy to use” and costless, so is the sport practice more achievable and manageable within a city, a region or a country, and available for all the people.
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