Idee In Movimento
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Idee In Movimento is a small but extremely active Cultural Association. It was born on the 5th of July 2015 thanks to a group of young and dynamic friends. We are located in the small town of Giardini Naxos, the first Greek colony of Sicily. Our bay, the Bay of Naxos, is one of the most beautiful in Italy. At a distance of 2 KM, on the top of Mount Tauro, is located the famous town of Taormina, which hosted the G7 on 26th and 27th of May 2017. We are involved in a lot of different fields:
- Sport Projects and Activities: We believe that sport is a powerful tool for social inclusion, personal growth and health enhancement. Moreover, through the practice of sport, crucial values can be conveyed to athletes like tolerance, team-work, respect, self-esteem, honesty, fairness. We carried on a lot of activities as sport tournaments ( Don Bosco Cup), "integration matches" between migrant refugees and local people, solidarity marathons;
- Recreational Activities: We are committed in creating spaces for social aggregation in our community. We organized recreational activities both for young people and elder ones in order to let them strengthen their social ties through our events ( Recreational tournament as "Idee In Movimento 17" and the tournament "Ace of Naxos");
- Volunteering: We dedicate a lot of our time to help disadvantaged people and to back the most fragile groups within our community. For example, We participated in the fund raising campaign against cyber bullying "Fiori D'Azzurro";
- Cultural and Institutional Activities: One of the main fields in which we are involved is represented by Culture and Institutional Activities. We organized several Cultural events as "Giardini di Versi e Prosa" to give a recognition to the efforts of local artists. Moreover, we also organized debates among experts and open to the public about contemporary issues as "Brexit". We collaborated with the important literary festival "Naxoslegge" in 2016. In particular, we took care about the organization of several cultural events dedicated to the theme of the intergenerational dialogue. In addition, we are particularly sensible to the issue of gender violence, every year we organize a range of activities on the theme involving school and other partners;
- The project "Batticuore Giardinese": Between 2016 and 2017, we collaborated in what we consider one of our most important efforts. The project "Batticuore Giardinese", created by Claudio Patinella, Mario Ianniello and Giuseppe Leotta, through a successful fund-raising campaign and thanks to the involvement of local institutions, achieved the important objective of acquiring six defibrillation machines which are now located all over our local territory. Throughout the project, first aid techniques and methods of using the defibrillation machines were taught freely to a group of local citizens. heart stroke is the first cause of death in the world, we are really proud to have given our humble contribute to tackle this issue;
- Environment Protection: We care a lot about our natural environment. During the years we have done a lot of activities as awareness campaigns, beach cleaning and we were involved in the referendum campaign against sea drilling which unfortunately didn't reach the necessary ;
We have a very wide network of contacts at the local and international level. The association has 27 members with different background and expertise, most of them are young people below 35 years old. We are really interested in EU projects and we are looking for partnership within the ERASMUS+, EUROPE FOR CITIZENS and CREATIVE EUROPE ;
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Disadvantaged People
Europe for Citizens
Policy Evaluation and Governance
7 years ago
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