Halina Falfushynska
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Achievements track-record
I was awarded by Fulbright (2015) and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2017). Serve as an editorial board member for several journals including that belong to the Elsevier and De Gruyter. I’ve authored nearly 138 publications in peer-reviewed journals (76 publications in Scopus), 115 conference abstracts, 3 books, monograph and chapter in monograph, 14 patents. h-index = 16 (Scopus); h-index = 19 (Google Scholar).
2013 – Dr. Sci. Biochemistry, Chernivtci National University, Ukraine
2005 PhD. Biochemistry, Institute of Animal Biology, Lviv, Ukraine
2003 Chemistry, Ternopil National Pedagogical University (TNPU), Ukraine
2001 B. Biology and Chemistry, Ternopil National Pedagogical University (TNPU), Ukraine
Interactive effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors (including metals, organic pollutants (UV filter, personal care products and pharmaceuticals, pesticides), nano-ZnO) on the molecular stress-sensitive system of aquatic invertebrates (both marine and freshwater mollusks) and low vertebrates (Cyprinus carpio, Danio rerio, Carassius auratus gibelio).
Molecular investigations of cyanotoxins (CYN, MC-LR, PMA) and cyanobacteria extracts of European Nostocales strains toxicities
Mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in marine mollusks
Exogenic and endogenic factors of human thyroid nodular goiter development and progression
Biochemical determinants of liver cancer progression
Molecular approaches in obesity studies
Mitochondria fission and fusion
In vivo models: Danio rerio, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus gibelio, Bivalve mollusks (Unio, Mytilus, Crassostrea, Arctica islandica).
In vitro model: Hepatocytes isolated from common carp Cyprinus carpio
2018 – Vice-rector for Research and International Relations of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Prof. of Orthopedagogy and Physical Therapy Department
2017 -2018 Chair of Human Health, Physical Rehabilitation and Vital Activity Safety Department, TNPU, Ukraine
2016-2017 Chair of general chemistry department, Ternopil State Medical University; Senior researcher, TNPU, Ukraine
2015 – Adjunct Researcher, Postdoc Fellow, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, US
2013 – Chair of general chemistry department, Ternopil State Medical University; Senior researcher, TNPU, Ukraine
2020 – THEA Ukraine Wandelwerk - Training for Higher Education Administrators in Ukraine (DAAD)
2019 - Diploma for the best oral presentation in the international limnological conference (Poland)
2017 – Alexander von Humboldt Scholar Grant, ;p_lang=en&p_pattern=Falfushynska
2015 – Fulbright Scholar Grant,
2014 – Prize of National Academy of Science of Ukraine for young scientist
2012 ‑ Prize of Ukrainian President for Fellows
2006-2012 – Personal grants of West-Ukrainian Biomedical Research Center (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)
2011 ‑ Grant of Ukrainian President for young scientist for research works
Prof. Falfushynska has been in charge of 18 national and international projects as investigator, Co-PI or PI.
2020-2022 – «Development of methodology for complex biorisk assessment of pesticide-polluted environment for target and non-target organisms», National Research Foundation of Ukraine [PI]
2020-2022 State budget project “Development of a molecular test-system for the assessment of the biosafety of Cyanotoxins and pharmaceuticals” [PI]
2019-2022 – ERASMUS+ project MultiEd (610427-EPP-1-2019-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) [Project Team member]
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