Godfrey Grech
Looking for Consultant
Following my doctorate studies at Erasmus Medical Centre, the Netherlands (graduated in 2007, March 7th), I started an academic position at the University of Malta. The doctoral work on the Molecular Control of Leukemia was published in 2 high quality journals (Blazquez-Domingo, Grech, & von Lindern, 2005; Grech, et al., 2008) and presented in International conferences including the American Society of Hematology and the European Haematology Association. Presently, I am Associate Professor at the Department of Pathology with 11 years’ experience coordinating a Master programme and lecturing in the area of Molecular Pathology. In 2010, as part of an ERDF project (€420,000) I set up and commissioned the Molecular Oncology laboratory. In 2010-2017, 2 PhD students defended successfully the doctorate degree and 7 MSc students graduated, under my primary supervision. I also co-supervised 3 PhD graduates and 8 MSc graduates. Starting with 1 post-doc position, 3PhD and 4 MSc students in 2010, our research team was successful and achieved: (1) submission of the patent, PCT-EP2018-057189, entitled “Novel Biomarkers predicting sensitivity to PP2A activators in Cancer” describing the novel predictive biomarkers, AURKA and KIF2C and the sensitivity of a subset of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cell lines to the pp2a activator, FTY720, (2) submission (14FEB19) of the patent PCT/EP2019/053733, entitled "Optimisation of a multiplex RNA-based Expression Assay to molecular classify Breast Cancer patients", (3) publications in high quality, peer-reviewed journals, including 7 as first author or corresponding author, 2 first author reviews, 3 first author book chapters and 25 as contributing author (including papers in high impact journals namely Nature genetics, Tumour Biology, Nucleic Acids research, PlosOne and an article currently in press in JoVE), (4) presentation of our findings at various prestigious conferences with more than 90 conference proceedings and selected within the top five oral presentations at the 29th European Congress of Pathology in Amsterdam (2017), and (5) international grant AWARD from Luminex Corporation to publish a video method article entitled “Optimisation of a multiplex RNA-based Expression Assay using Breast Cancer archival material” in the Journal of Visualised Experiments (JoVE). Personal scientific achievements include, (1) co-editor of the book entitled, “Preventive and Predictive Genetics: Towards Personalised Medicine” published in 2015, (2) invited by Thermo Fisher Scientific to deliver the webinar entitled, “The power of multiplexing and applications of the QuantiGene Plex Assay in oncology research and diagnostics” , webcasted Nov 07, 2017, (3) invited by Luminex corporation to present the innovative assays at xMAP connect meetings in Amsterdam, Beijing and Shaghai, and (4) finalised the first licensing agreement of an intellectual property for commercialisation by an industrial ;
I act as an expert on Individual Fellowships: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA-IF-H2020)