Eurodimensions Limited
Looking for Partnership
We participate in K2 Erasmus related to VET and Schools . Very successful in submissions ,project writing . Staff coordinated project selected as good practice. Eurodimensions seeks to fulfil the need to nurture entrepreneurship through education, competitiveness, business development, training and the creation of partnerships. Over the years, we has built a collaborative network with experienced trainers , knowledgeable mentors , European Universities, Chambers and Commerce, NGOs and Incubators. Due the multidisciplinary background of its founding member , its expertise has covered the writing of succesful projects, direct through the EACEA and from National Agencies related to quality assurance in training, entrepreneurship, sustainable implementation of age management, cultural heritage , school education , intergenerational approaches as well as digital innovation.
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Enterprise and Industry
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Capacity Building
4 years ago
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