FAMCP Federación Aragonesa de Municipios Comarcas y Provincias
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
The Federation of Municipalities, Counties and Provinces of ARAGON (FAMCP) is a non profit organization (governed by public law) established in 1988 devoted to defend and represent the interests of local authorities as well as the promotion of their economic and social development. We take in especial consideration the necessities of the rural areas in order to improve their quality of life and the promotion of their European citizenship. FAMCP represents all municipalities and Local Authorities in Aragón (731 town councils, 33 counties and 3 provinces).
FAMCP has a wide experience in EU interregional cooperation: FAMCP has been leading 2 Interreg IVC miniprogram SMART+ (www.smartplusinnovations.eu) and participated in other EU programs: Medocc, EQUAL, Leonardo, Progress, Youth, EU Parliament Communication grants, INTERREG III, Interreg IVC, MED CAP….
we consider we can have a good role as we have been working in different aspects to promote the rural areas development based in their linkage with the urban areas: mobility aspects, transport, youth programs, elderly quality of life, use of technologies… In fact, the 2 programmes we have leaded, Interreg IIC and Interreg IVC, were focused in the promotion of the economic evolution of rural areas through the economic change and the role of innovation.
I hope you can find our participation interesting for your proposal. Waiting for your news,