Fablab Venezia
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Fablab Venezia was born in 2014 as a digital fabrication laboratory, with the aim to bring the values and the scopes of the fablab network to the venetian territory. The lab decided to develop all the different branches of the original project: service, to help designers, enterprises, artisans develop their project using digital tools; education and training, to help those willing to govern and use the instruments and capabilities of the digital fabrication world; the open lab, to offer everyone a place where to develop creative ideas and innovative projects.
Fablab Venezia is now an leading infrastructure, not only at a local level, for the digitization of cultural and productive processes, for the development of new sustainable and positive production and design praxes, and for social innovation.
The lab interacts with SMEs, artisans, PAs, cultural Institutions, schools: it is an innovation bureau where craftsmanship can meet digital instruments and new machineries, enabling new, eco-efficient, low cost solutions. It is an hub for digital culture, offering activities and workshops for the youngsters and for everyone, letting them be able to use technology in an informed, creative and positive way. We sustain and pursue a maker approach, as a way to enable change in the world and find new sustainable solutions, for us and for the planet. To do so, we use digital fabrication tools and instruments: 3d printing, cnc machines, parametric design and robotics.
Our key words are applied research, sustainability, education and reliability. We believe in the importance of spreading a new culture of the digital production, which needs to be linked with sustainability values. Throughout a constant research and an honest everlasting learning path we can offer everyone the best solution to realize his project, mixing technologies and materials, using parametric tools.