Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
My name is Elodie Schutz (Ms/she/her) and I am European Project Manager at Eurasanté, in charge of EU calls monitoring & project ingeenering.
Eurasanté is a development agency dedicated to tech transfer and business development in life sciences sector. Eurasanté works to promote the growth of the biology, health and nutrition sectors in the Hauts-de-France region. Since 1994, Eurasanté has been supporting researchers, project leaders and companies from the health sector in their research, creation and activity development projects.
The northern France health and nutrition sector is rich with 1,100 companies employing 32,000 people in the biotech / pharma, medtech, specialized services and e-health sectors. The sector includes large groups that are world leaders, as well as a substantial network of SMEs, who collaborate with a large network of research, academic and healthcare institutions. The health sector is a key element of the regional economy, with €12,5 billion turnover. The companies in this sector interact with a rich network of research institutions among the most fertile in France with 80 laboratories, 4,000 public and private researchers, focused on major public health themes: cancer, cardio-metabolic diseases, neurodegenerative pathologies, chronic bowel disease (MICI).
As an economic development agency, Eurasanté’s missions are to:
- Promote research: Foster technology transfer and collaborative projects, help the emergence of start-ups and spin-offs;
- Stimulate the creation of start-ups thanks to 3 programs - The Eurasanté Bio Incubator (medtech, biotech, e-healht), the Euralimentaire Incubator (foodtech), and the first silver economy incubator in Europe ;
- Support companies, researchers and innovative projects in the development of their activities thanks to a range of services and expertise, and through the Eurasanté Accelerator;
- Promote Northern France Region and Eurasanté Bio Business Park: support companies looking to develop on the European healthcare market;
- Organize business conventions: create the best conditions for companies and researchers organize yearly 4 European business conventions: MedFIT (medtech, diagnostic, e-health), BioFIT (biotech, pharma), NutrEvent (Food, feed, nutrition and health) and AgeingFit (healthy ageing innovations).
Eurasanté has 10+ years of experience in managing EU projects, being part of 30+ EU projects over time and currently involved in 15 european projects.
Eurasanté has implemented a specific action program dedicated to the emergence and support of collaborative research projects led by or implemented by regional actors involved in nutrition/regional health sectors, in co-operation with European actors.
The Eurasanté teams benefit from expertise in the implementation, coordination and participation of European projects, especially within the framework of the Interreg cross-border and transnational programmes, but also experience in H2020, FP7 projects, and Erasmus+.
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Enterprise and Industry
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Start Up
Health Care
Medical equipment
Medical Biotechnology
5 years ago
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