Looking for a qualified and experienced partner for your EU project? Contact us!

5 years ago


Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Dear futur partners, 

We are always open for news opportunities and to sharing our expertise and experience with new partners. If you are looking for a new member of you consortium, have a look at our profile and contact us!

Why partnering with us?

Eurasanté is a tech transfer, an incubator, an accelerator and cluster manager in the nutrition and health sector in the Northern France region. For more than 20 years and thanks to its 100 current employees, Eurasanté is working on supporting the emergence, transfer and development of the innovation in both academic and industrial worlds.

Our missions are to ameliorate and stimulate prevention and care thanks to the development of innovation coming from research and industry and to sustain the economic development of our territory. The Northern France region counts more than 1100 health-nutrition companies (representing 32 000 employees) and 4000 public and private researchers.

Eurasanté is the animator of the “Eurasanté Park”, located in the city of Lille, which is the leading university hospital campus in Europe (a 300 hectares area dedicated to health and nutrition, where 40 000 people come across every day: 8 hospitals, 170 companies, 50 research laboratories, 20 000 health students in 4 universities and 6 specialized schools).

Eurasanté is successfully running a labelled incubation program since 1999, the “Bio-incubator”, recently ranked amongst the Europe Top-20 of biotech incubators (LaBiotech, 2019). Eurasanté is currently accompanying more than 60 start-ups and project leaders through its incubator and accelerator programs (40% medtech, 30% biotech, 30% digital health). Significant and positive results have been achieved since its creation: +170 projects supported, +100 companies created, 530 jobs created, €450m raised. Eurasanté also accompanies 28 start-ups and project leaders thanks to its second incubator dedicated to nutrition and foodtech, named “Euralimentaire”.

At the international level, Eurasanté has a strong experience in managing European projects. Eurasanté is a partner or a lead partner in 18 current european projects (Interreg, H2020 Innosup 5…). Our European network is composed by over 117 partners coming from 13 countries with whom we are in regular contacts thanks to the development of our projects.

Eurasanté is also the organizer of four international annual healthcare-related partnering events that aim to increase and improve interaction between academia and industry: BioFIT (Life Sciences, +1400 participants), MedFIT (MedTech, Diagnostic, Digital Health, +700 participants), NutrEvent (Food, Feed, Nutrition, Health, +650 participants) and AgeingFIT (Healthy Ageing, +500 participants). Many of our European projects take advantage of those European events to host their matchmaking and dissemination events.

Eurasanté is the animator of the Association named “Clubster NHL”, which is the professional network of more than 300 membered nutrition and health structures located in the whole French territory: academics, start-ups, companies and final users like hospitals. It is labellized as a “competitiveness cluster” by the French Government. As a network, its role is to stimulate collaborative projects between its members.


 Enterprise and Industry
 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Start Up
 Health Care
 Medical equipment
 Medical Biotechnology

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