Dr. Saqer S. Alja'afreh
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
A knowledgeable professional with more than 5 years research experience in antenna
designing for small portable and handheld devices for 4G, LTE, WiMAX, WLAN, GPS,
GSM, UMTS, PCS, and UWB band applications with specialized expertise in the design of
MIMO and diversity antennas for portable devices with hands on experience of antenna
measurements in anechoic and reverberation chambers with a variety of RF test equipment. A
self-motivated and passionate researcher having over 25 technical papers in leading
International impact factor journals and peer-reviewed international conferences in a very
short span of time with excellent oral and written communication skills. A strong theoretical
background in Antenna Theory and Design, Wave Propagation, Electromagnetic Theory, RF
and Microwave and Digital Communication Systems developed during PhD and post-
doctorate research as well as in teaching to Areas of specialty are the following:
o Antenna Design
o Simulation software HFSS, CST and ADS
o Antenna Miniaturization
o Antennas for 4G, LTE, WiMAX, WLAN, GPS, GSM, UMTS. PCS,CDMA, and UWB
o MIMO and Diversity antennas
o Hands on experience of all Antenna Measurements in Anechoic Chamber and
Reverberation Chamber.
o Hand on experience of RF test equipment including Agilent’s and Anritsu’s Vector Network
Analyzers, Agilent Vector Signal Generator and Vector Signal Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer,
High Frequency Digital oscilloscopes
o Reconfigurable antennas
o Rectenna Arrays for Power Collection
o Design of Microwave Filters, Oscillators, Mixers, Power and Low-Noise Amplifier
Keywords and matching areas:
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Capacity Building
Electronics and Microelectronics
Education and Training
Higher Education
Youth Workers
7 years ago
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