Walaa Matalqah
Looking for Partnership
Walaa Matalqah is an environmental engineer specialized in air quality. I hold an MSc in Water and Environmental Engineering and a BSc in Chemical Engineering. I participated in environmental studies (Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Auditing) for differnt industries and I am proficient in air quality modelling using SCREEN and AERMOD softwares.
I has a training on the international standard ISO17025:2017 and I participated on writing the management system according to this standard, as well as, in preparing the quality management system of cement plant according to ISO9001:2008.
I was chosen to participate on the EU funded project; SWITCH MED TEST III in Jordan. I has been trained on TEST (Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology) methodology, which is an integrated approach for sustainable production in the manufacturing sector and she is working as a resource efficiency expert with Haritna Dairy Company.
The project is being implemented under the umbrella of technical guidance of UNIDO and Royal Scientific Society (RSS) by a qualified consultancy team. The project adopted TEST approach, which is an integrated approach that enables businesses to identify innovative and cost effective ways to save energy, water and raw materials in their production.
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Natural Resources
Sustainable Development
Environmental protection
2 years ago
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