Confartigianato Imprese Salerno
Confartigianato Imprese Salerno is the local representative Association of businesses and craftsmanship aiming to support business creation and internationalization processes for start-ups and SMEs providing services for competitive growth and knowledge ;
One of the activities carried out is the constant monitor of news and policies at national and European level concerning innovation and business creation opportunities, business internationalization partnership, digitization processes in order to provide services to the local and national start-ups and SMEs. It provides project management service support in order to allow local entities, organizations and SMEs to participate in regional, national and EU project proposal. The Association itself participated in several EU projects both as a coordinator or as a partner.
The web desk is the first access point to Confartigianato Imprese Salerno through which information and first orientation activities are provided free of charge to entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs, start-ups, local actors and in general to all those who need exprtise, know-how, financial and technical support.
Confartigianato Imprese Salerno organizes workshops, webinars and events in order to spread the word on all the latest EU, national and regional initiatives and business partnership opportunities.
Confartigianato Imprese Salerno had been accredited by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development - MISE, "Digital Innovation Hub". In this regard, Confartigianto Imprese Salerno created FAB4 DIH, a non-profit networked knowledge system made up of Confartigianato Salerno, SELLALAB () Medaarch () and Knowledge for Business () whose mission is to support the creation and promotion of innovation technology transfer for innovative start-ups and micro, small and medium sized enterprises based in Campania, in particular in the agrifood sector. As a DIH, Confartigianato Imprese Salerno works on entrepreneurial orientation actions, acceleration and financial support services, verification meetings, coordination and matching with specialised research institutes and innovation partner centers to boost and support innovative actions for start-ups and SMEs and providing services of monitoring, scouting and projects elaboration for young innovative start-ups.
FAB4 DIH supports start-ups in the process of acquiring regional, national and EU funding in order to create and develop their business activities, also on the financial side, and establish strong partnerships, on the technological and innovative transfer process ;
FAB4 DIH, has been accredited "Innovation Manager" by the MISE, as it provides support for start-ups and SMEs with expertise and know-how, project management and innovative business plan implementation services in order to develop technological and digital transformation ;
FAB4 DIH Confartigianato Salerno has a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Salerno in order to provide innovative services for local and national start-ups and SMEs related to the development of innovation and technological transfer processes. Moreover, FAB4 DIH provides specific trainings to start-ups through the collaboration with specific University Departments, such as Industrial Engineering, Electrical and Information Engineering, Management and Innovation Systems, Biotechnology and Food in order to provide transfer of know-how and competences to start-ups, SMEs managers and their personnel.
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Capacity Building
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Capacity Building
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Cross-border cooperation
European Union
Project Management
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Business Support Organisation
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Capacity Building
Lifelong Learning
Cross-border cooperation
European Union
Project Development
Project Management
Business Development
Green Deal
1 year ago
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