Tiziana Pepe
Dr. Tiziana Pepe is Associate Professor at Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, University "Federico II", Naples, Italy.
She obtained the degree in Veterinary Medicine at the Faculty Veterinary Medicine of Naples “Federico II” Italy with 110/110 cum laude. Ph. D. in Food Inspection. Researcher in Food Inspection of animal origin (SDD VET 04). She attended the Eastern Regional Research Center - Agricultural Research Service (ERRC-ARS), USDA, Wyndmoor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (). Specialist in Food Inspection of Animal Origin. Secretary of the Italian Society of Veterinary Hygienists (AIVI), she joins to the Italian Society Sciences Veterinaries (SISVet), Director of the Course in "Quality and safety in the social and business catering " of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, University "Federico II", Naples, Italy.
Reviewer for international journals (Food Control, Journal of Food Protection, Journal of Agricultural, Food Chemistry, International Journal of Food Microbiology). Teacher at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, University "Federico II", Naples, Italy, at the University "Magna Grecia" of Catanzaro, Italy ,at the Faculty of Biotechnology degree courses for the SSD VET/04, at the Technologies of animal productions, University "Federico II", Naples, Italy. Professor at the School of Specialization in Food Inspection of Animal Origin. Member of PhD Committee in Veterinary Sciences.
Topics of the research are: species identification in sea-food products using DNA analysis, study of the fragments sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b in prepared and processed fish products, use of end-point PCR (conventional, nested, multiplex) and real-time for the identification of fish species and microbial pathogenic species: Campylobacter jejuni (analysis of sequences of flaA SVR fragment); Escherichia coli 0157: H7; Salmonella spp.; Listeria spp.; Vibrio spp and Norovirus, application of two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry techniques for the identification of fish species in fresh and prepared products, proteomic analysis of Tuna species, implementation of Real Time PCR for detection of bovine species in samples of sausage mixture. Species identification through analysis of sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b fragment in milk