Centre for research, development and application of practical knowlegde and skills CEIR
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"CEIR- Center for Education, Innovation and Research" is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in 2011 for an indefinite period with the aim of achieving goals in the field of education and raising practical knowledge and skills of all citizens, including marginalized groups, especially younger populations secondary and higher education, through public advocacy for motivation, encouragement and strengthening of awareness for the importance and development of application and transfer of practical knowledge and skills with the aim of developing and improving the quality of life of the community and whole society.
The main goal of CEIR is public advocacy for the encouragement, promotion and strengthening the awareness of the importance of of practical knowledge, and thair development and application, also developing skills with the aim of improving the quality of life of all participants in society, within which the following operational goals stand out:
- Encouraging and promoting creative learning for children and youth;
- Encouragement and promotion of non-formal education and lifelong learning (seminars, workshops, trainings);
- Organizing projects and implementing practical activities in order to train and prepare young people for independent living and work;
- Improving the existing acquired knowledge and skills of able-bodied citizens, especially young people without work experience;
- Preparing, training and connecting young people to start their own business or employment;
- Transfer of knowledge and good practices from neighboring countries and EU member states.
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