Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
The Vision of RDA Srem is to be the link between public, private and civil society in building strategic partnerships through the preparation and implementation of projects that contribute to the improvement of living standards and more balanced regional development in the region of Srem, in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and in the Republic Serbia as a whole.
The Mission of the RDA Srem is improvement of the quality of standards of living for the population of the district of Srem. This will be achieved by joint activities of the municipalities and other interested sides in the region that will create a competitive environment for the implementation of the projects, development of public and private enterprises providing new employment possibilities and improving the life quality of the citizens in the region. It is also important to promote regional development by using both local and national resources as well as available national and international funds and to draw attention of foreign investors in the region of Srem.
The Regional Development Agency of Srem was established by a contract signed in Ruma on , by six municipalities on the territory of Srem (Indjija, Irig, Pecinci, Ruma, Stara Pazova, Sid), the city of Sremska Mitrovica and the Srem Chamber of Commerce.
On February 7, 2012, the Regional Development Agency Srem was officially accredited to perform activities of importance for balanced regional development in the Srem district by the National Agency for Regional Development, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on Accreditation ("Official Gazette of RS ”, No. 74/2010) and the Law on Regional Development.
RDA Srem functions as a limited liability company which does not share profits and was established according to the legislation of the Republic of Serbia.
Municipality of INĐIJA (President), Municipality of IRIG (President), Municipality of PEĆINCI (President), Municipality of RUMA (President), Municipality of SR. MITROVICA (President), Municipality of STARA PAZOVA (President), Municipality of SID (President), Chamber of commerce of R. SERBIA (President), RDA Srem (Director).
We're active in projects dealing with sustainable tourism, energy effiency and renewable sources of energy, circular economy, innovation, development of SMEs and start ups. social inclusion of all vulnerable members of society: Roma people, persons with disabilities etc.