Bohdan Ostash
Looking for Partnership
I am Professor of Genetics at the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine). I run research group that works in the area of bacterial genetics. Main focus is on the genetics of actinobacteria - Grampositive microbes producing over two thirds of bioactive natural products of medical and industrial value - antibiotics, immunosuppressants, antitumors, antifungals to name just a few. Our primary approach is genetic one; once the research hypothesis takes shape, we employ all kinds of methods available to elucidate the problem at hand. We are experts in development of gene cloning systems for actinobacteria; natural product biosynthesis; control of gene expression in actinobacteria at the level of transcription and translation; strain improvement; screening of actinobacterial collections for various types of bioactive compounds.