BioSense Institute
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
BioSense Institute (BIOS) coordinates, focuses and advances research, introduction and promotion of state-of-the-art ICT solutions in agriculture, ecology, environmental protection, water management and industry. BioSense Institute is an internationally recognized multi-disciplinary scientific research institute and a regional provider of advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) in agriculture and environmental monitoring. Institute has a special focus on micro and nano-technology sensors, Internet of Things, Robotics, Remote Sensing and Big Data. BioSense has recently ranked as European Center of Excellence within H2020 Teaming program and is also the winner of 2017 Syngenta crop data challenge with its algorithm for smart seed selection. With state-of-the-art equipment and – most important – with an international group of more than 120 enthusiastic researchers, BioSense Institute is able to perform scientific research at the global level and contribute to the development and sustainability of eco-innovation in the areas of major importance for society - agriculture and the environment. BioSense Institute coordinates or participates in a large number of international research projects, including 36 Horizon 2020 projects.
Since 2013, BioSense has established a dedicated Business Development Department (BDD) which maintains strong ties with the private sector and the broad network of European partners, and incorporates their feedback into the research strategy of the Institute, resulting in competitive proposals for funding and direct research contracts. At the same time, BDD provides a broad spectrum of capacity building activities to BioSense researchers (trainings, one-to-one consultations, access to networks) and cultivates their market orientation and entrepreneurial mentality.