Associazione AKIRA
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
The Association was born in Naples in January 2017. Its volunteers (students, professionals, young people and adults) carry out activities aimed at promoting the psycho-physical and social well-being of minors at risk, through listening, confrontation, information, education, training, orientation and social, health, psychological, pedagogical and legal support. The Association carries out training activities to encourage social cohesion, social inclusion and integration, participation and youth leadership. It carries out initiatives and projects of education to legality, transferring the importance of values such as dignity, freedom, solidarity and security, at the base of the juridical relations on which the organization of personal and social life is founded. It works in collaboration with third sector and public bodies in prevention and awareness actions on issues related to violence, gender and gender, bullying, cyberbullying, web dangers.
Among the initiatives it put in place, it has been partner of: Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports, the Prefecture of Naples, Child and Adolescent Supervisor of the Campania Region, International School in the former NATO base , the Grenoble of Naples, Unicef, Italian Red Cross.