Andrej Korošec
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Ljudska univerza Ptuj (LUP) was established by Municipality of Ptuj in 1959 for educational services, the implementation of which is in the public interest. Since then they offer a wide range of educational programs (formal and non-formal) and counselling, thus they are the leading adult education centre in the region.
The number of their participants varies between – per year, among them are also elderly citizens and immigrants, who are the main target group in this project. Amongst their expertise are research capabilities, consisting of needs analysis and state of the art research. As educators of adults they have rich experiences in preparing different educational programs in the fields of language learning, intercultural mediation, social inclusion, social activation and different modules for embracing competences needed for inclusion of disadvantaged groups. By being aware that the third age population will strongly grow in the next years, they also offer numerous activities for active ageing, such as program TSL (Training for success in life), vocational training, non-formal education (foreign languages and computer courses, University for the third life period, courses for companies, specialized trainings in the field of legislation, communication skills, etc.), activities of adult education that are in the national interest (centre for intergenerational learning, knowledge exchange, study circles, self-learning centre) and more.
Their 15 employees are experts in working with disadvantaged groups and in coordinating their current 13 EU projects that are described in more details below. They are experienced in elaboration and validation of activities, project management, financial management and dissemination actions, which will in this project enable them to help senior and immigrants to adapt and integrate to new local, public and private services.
LUP strives for excellence and tries constantly to be innovative and creative, matching the needs and possibilities of the local environment with experience and up-to-date educational offer.
More details:
Projects in progress:
EU for Citizens, Network of towns; GET2IT; Pučko otvoreno učilište Varaždin; Partner;
ERASMUS+; SLOW LEARNING / 2019-1-SI01-KA204-060442; Ljudska univerza Ptuj; Lead partner;
ERASMUS+; EU-OBP / 2019-1-RO01-KA204-063793; EuroEd Romania; Partner;
EEA and Norway Grants; 2017-1-152 / Individual Placement and Support for NEETs through Education Youth Technology Platform (EYTP); Ljudska univerza Ptuj; Lead partner;
ERASMUS+; 2018-1-NO01-KA204-038870 / Career Guidance in a Changing Labour Market; Fønix AS; Partner;