Aitana de los Santos Pérez
Feb 12, 2021
Looking for Consultant
About Me
I am Aitana. 22 years old. Student of "Social Education" from "Universitat de València" (Spain).
I am doing as my TFG (final degree homework) an european project to talk and work about gener perspective and youth participation ;
I've done an EVS, two trainning courses and four youth exchanges around Europe from 2017 to nowadays.
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Ideas in Progress
Gender Equality
Adult Learning
Project Development
Main aim: Investigate the gender perspective in youth participation at the European level to implement educational and awerness-raising tools.
Specific sims:
1. Increase youth participation among the participants and their sociocultural ;
2. Develope a resource once the project carried out by the project participants is finished.
3. Improve the gender per...
Valencia, Spain
4 years ago
4 years ago
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