Marine Cornelis
I am the founder of Next Energy Consumer; a policy consultancy focused on the social aspects of the energy and climate transitions at European and international levels (EU, EU Member States, Mediterranean countries, Mexico).
I aim to empower the people by paying extra attention to the most vulnerable elements of our societies (#EnergyPoverty, #JustTransition). To this aim, I provide support and policy analysis services and advise organisations to set up strategies to put the citizens back in the centre of the energy ;
My goal is to build a fairer energy and climate transition, in harmony with the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular, SDG7.
Current and past projects and clients include: European Commission, European Energy Poverty Observatory, Mexican Energy Ombudsman, MedReg, College of Europe, University of ;
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CHAFEA/2019/CP/01 Contracts with Re-opening of Competition for the Provision of Behavioural Studies
Capacity Building
Consumer Protection
5 years ago
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