To Gather music accross Europe / Professional integration

1 year ago


Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

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gather in Europe, but also to gather throughout Europe: it is the intention to bring back from a long journey the fruits born from meetings, concerts, shows where the collective invention and the desire to share prevail. It's the idea of gleaning new music here and there and bringing it back to share it.
Singing in a group promotes social bonding and listening.
Singing in a group is good for oneself and good for the c ommunity.
Giving children, teenagers, and students the opportunity to sing means form ing a real audience for tomorrow.
In its mission as a vocal arts center, Musicatreize is committed to promoting choral singing with new large scale artistic and cultural education projects, but also by positioning itself as a resource for repertoires and know how in the field of choral singing in the region.
To Gather in Europe is both a professional integration program and an artistic and cultural education project initiated by Musicatreize in partnership with the ADDAP13 group for the benefit of 25 to 30 young people, both in and out of school, from the Malpassé Corot educational complex in Marseille
for a period of three years (2023-2026).
It is also the inten tion to imagine a process that would lead young people from priority neighborhoods to go beyond the preconceived ideas about today's art music, by putting them at the very heart of the creation. As actors, they become the heroes of a music they would never have imagined performing one day. As participants, they measure the involvement of each.
Musicatreize employee in bringing the "crazy tour" project to fruition while taking part in it (as trainees in fields as varied as production, distribution, administra tion, live performance techniques, artistic interpretation, etc.). This strong mobilization of all towards them has for objective to widen their horizon of possibilities, to realize a collective project by making them discover an unknown cultural practice and to put them on a possible way of professional integration.

 Education and Training
 Youth Exchanges
 Arts Education
 Creative Industries
 Culture and Development
 Performing Arts
 Music Production

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