Storytelling and migration

2 days ago

Francesco Zanolla



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

The main objective of the project is to provide concrete tools for people with migrant backgrounds to narrate their experiences, stimulating intercultural dialogue and combating stereotypes and prejudices.
One of the biggest obstacles to integration is the distorted or marginalized representation of people with migrant backgrounds. In media circles, migrants are often portrayed negatively or reduced to statistical numbers, with no room to tell about their experiences and aspirations. This phenomenon contributes to a distorted perception of reality and hinders the creation of a truly inclusive society.
In line with the European Commission's Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027, which stresses the importance of the active participation of migrants in society, the project aligns with the chosen priorities (related to inclusion and diversity and the promotion of local learning centers and innovative learning spaces, helping to create opportunities and places where people with migrant backgrounds can tell their stories firsthand, fostering a more authentic and equitable representation of diversity.

The project aims to respond to this challenge through concrete activities:
- Writing and storytelling workshops, in which participants will acquire skills to tell their stories in an authentic and engaging way.
- Creation of an anthology with the most significant stories, giving visibility to migrants' voices in a format accessible to a wide audience.
- A podcast and digital platform, to amplify the dissemination of the stories and raise awareness of integration issues.
- Events and public presentations, involving schools, libraries, bookstores and the media to promote more inclusive storytelling.

Training and education activities provided by the workshops will be geared toward producing two categories of narratives/stories. First-generation migrants will be supported to narrate the moments and circumstances of their arrival in their host country, their impact with a new reality, an often unfamiliar culture and language, and their first, often uneasy steps into what would become their new home. 
Second-generation migrants will be asked to apply the tools of creative writing to narrate instead the first time they returned to their country of origin, thus aiming to trigger an articulate reflection on the themes of identity, origins, belonging and inclusion that restores their multifaceted complexity, free from stereotypes and clichés that are sclerotized.



 Adult Learning
 Creative Europe
 Human Sciences
 International Relations

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