“Trendsetters” project aims to connect young people who are keen on art, fashion, clothes design, and marketing from different countries to gather their skills (organizational skills, design skills, budget skills, media skills) and to organize a show which will have a combination between elements of their traditional costumes from their home countries and elements of a modern society. Through this project the fashion it is seen as a connection between the past and the future, linking to the idea of collaboration due to sharing skills to achieve a fashion show.
The young participants will collaborate to set up their fashion show by representing the past of the fashion and the future of it. They will work for eight days sharing their feelings, emotions and points of view regarding fashion and how it is perceived through the eyes of youth. The project is especially focused on the knowledge and skills of the young participants who will make possible to arrange everything needed to set a successful fashion show.
The importance of this Project it is relevant to the empowerment of youth and the promotion of youth talents. The embracing process of supporting young people initiatives, it is an effective way to increase youth capacities, their active participation in society and their contribution towards peace and tolerance. Through the involvement of youth in fashion projects, we build self-esteem and improve resilience among young people.
The participants will be able to develop various skills and represent their ideas, by expanding there creativity. All partners chosen for the project have the same aspiration for the success of young people and are equipped with the skills and knowledge to support marginalised young people. “Trendsetters” project will gather together twenty youth participants aged 18-30 from International countries for 8 days.
The youth exchange objectives:
1. Raise awareness through art for peace and tolerance towards a variety of cultures.
2. Strengthening multicultural initiatives among young people.
3. Learning through arts to embrace diversity and promote various cultures.
4. Set a fashion show with elements from the past and the future, who will promote the youth role in a future global world.
5. Raise self-empowerment and team working skills through the involvement in a common art initiative.
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