Interested in a Partnership (UNIMEPROSANTE)

5 years ago


Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

UNIMEDPROSANTE representing a strategic partner in view of the European Commission new Calls. Together with our partners, we can develop, promote and manage a variety of activities and initiatives including European co-funded projects, innovation health platforms, international cooperation, advocacy and events. UNIMEDPROSANTE is the organiser and operative supporter of health campaigns launched by EU agencies and International bodies in Europe and USA. We are looking for partners for our projects and we are available as partner for Eu and International projects. UNIMEDPROSANTE cooperates with european, mediterreanean, maghrebian, arabian, african, asian, latin american countries.

 International Cooperation
 EU Strategy Baltic Sea Region
 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
 European social fund (ESF)
 Horizon Europe
 Transnational cooperation
 Euro-Mediterranean Relations
 Partnership Management
 Relationship Management

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