Interested in a Partnership (Planet Positive)

3 years ago

Planet Positive



Looking for Partnership

We look for partners in order to accelerate climate action and achieve these objectives:
- Create partnerships with organisations working in carbon management field in other EU countries for knowledge sharing, capacity building and shared projects.
- Explore innovative and efficient ways, tools to calculate GHG emissions and create reduction pathways.
- Increase our offsetting projects portfolio, explore other countries examples and local initiatives to capture or reduce CO2 from the atmosphere.
- Educate the market about the carbon management services, best practices and the need to take urgent action. Find the best ways to communicate, create common communication campaigns.
- Meet best talents in the field and attract international experts to the team.
- Create carbon management profesionals network.
- Gather the resources to accelerate larger and more urgent changes in Lithuania towards
carbon neutrality.
- Share our best practices and experience outside Lithuania.

 Low-Carbon Technology
 Low-Carbon Economy
 Sustainable Development
 Environmental protection
 Climate Sciences
 Green Deal

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