iCLEVER (intelligently Connecting Locations, Exploiting Values and Enhancing Resilience)

6 years ago

Baia Mare Municipality

Local Public Authority


Looking for Partnership

is a SMF project developed by a consortium of three countries: Romania, Serbia and Croatia to be submmited for funding on the new call for INTERREG DANUBE Priority 4 - Well governed Danube region / Specific Objective – Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges.


Project summary:

Considering human capital as being essential for truly sustainable smart cities and regions and also leveraging on the underused potential of ICT tools in this process, iCLEVER will respond to DR common needs and challenges regarding governance instruments for urban regeneration through setting a 4-leaf clover transnational framework that will approach the issue by testing innovative hybrid tools for promoting transversal integration, enhanced participation and PPPPs. iCLEVER will focus particularly on the use of ICT for physical and social regeneration of partner cities, capitalizing on the opportunity to set up a flexible, participatory, adaptable Implementation and Monitoring Framework.

Project Description

iCLEVER is a SMF project developed by a consortium of three countries: Romania, Serbia and Croatia, whose aim is to capitalize on the currently underused potential of new technologies and to embed innovative models of co-designed and citizen-led local innovation for regenerating public space.

The project’s priority is to support the development of local innovative methodological tools for local regeneration and create bonds between communities and the public assets through direct participation of citizens in the management of public spaces. It will assist the implementation of smart, efficient and effective urban regeneration strategies in partner cities, through a 4-leaf clover transnational framework which will set up innovative participatory, governance and PPPP tools, based on the exploitation of cutting-edge ICT instruments, through citizen-led methods.

In a nutshell, what we envision for the main proposal  is to create an incentive for smart cooperation for citizens-led urban regeneration, by combining into a single free online platform the idea of an urban commons framework (focused on public spaces with reactivation potential),  the concept of mixed land use (through temporary activities) and a wide interactive map of skilled people/communities that can take initiative in regenerating the urban fabric.

The platform will create synergies between available places in need for regeneration and skilled persons/communities that can gather and create livable public spaces as a response to users needs. The process as we see it will is the following: the municipalities in each  partner city will decide which assets will be further considered as commons and which are the priority areas for intervention; next, a survey will be conducted in order to find the promoters for regeneration; these persons will be involved in the pilot areas of intervention and will be pinned on a map with the skills that recommend them for public space ;


Project Main Objective

The iCLEVER objective is to assist partner cities to overcome implementation challenges pertaining to the creative and smart public urban space regeneration, and subsequent actions outlined in their integrated urban strategies, through a learning and exchange transnational framework and by setting up innovative participatory, governance, PPP and funding tools, based on the exploitation of innovative ICT instruments, through citizen-led methods for joint and integrated implementation, and monitoring. The project will allow the implementation of urban sustainable strategies and action plans for revitalization of public space.

We are looking for partners from Germany, Austria and Czech Republic.

 Sustainable Development
 Smart Cities
 Regional Policy
 Project Development
 Policy Evaluation and Governance

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