FREE PADS_against period poverty

9 days ago

The Project has as its main focus the fight against period poverty. The period poverty is  the inability to buy feminine hygiene products due to their excessive cost. A real discrimination that creates social inequalities and has devastating effects on women, not only in the poorest countries of the world.  In Italy, poverty situations are now a structural phenomenon with significantly higher averages than in other EU countries.Within our activities aimed at people in a condition of social and economic fragility  we have observed a particular vulnerability of women. In this direction we intend to develop the following activities:

- Distribution of menstrual hygiene products: by providing free menstrual hygiene products to women and girls,  enable them to cope with the economic difficulties they face.

-Menstrual health education: educational programmes to make girls and women aware of the menstrual cycle and the importance of proper hygiene.

-Menstrual health education: educational programmes to make girls and women aware of the menstrual cycle and the importance of proper hygiene.

 Disadvantaged People
 Gender Equality

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