Energy and Environmental Protection Rural Areas in Europe: Ruben Parra Alonso

4 years ago

Rubén Parra Alonso

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Hi Everyone: 

This tag it is for create the free access to money-saving efficiency services for low- and middle-income households.

According to the latest study of the Association of Environmental Sciences (ACA), of 2018, there is a 15% of the population in a situation of hidden energy poverty, an indicator that highlights a part of the people who, as a strategy in their situation of vulnerability, reduce your energy consumption to the minimum possible.

For these consumers with a low expense, due to the energy risk situation in which they live, the fixed part of the bill can represent a very important part of their energy expenditure in the home. It is a form of regressive pricing since vulnerable households bear a greater burden (in relative terms per kWh actually consumed and compared to higher-income households) of the fixed cost part of the electricity bill.

Best regards.

Rubén Parra 

 Social Farming
 Renewable Energy
 Environmental protection
 International Cooperation
 Earth Sciences
 Sustainable Tourism
 European social fund (ESF)
 Business Writing
 Smart Mobility

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