Best practises for sustainable developmen in Moldova

6 years ago

NGO "Terra - 1530"

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One of the most stringent problems of the Moldovan society at the moment, especially of the rural society, is the absence of the access to information or limited access to the public information. While the price of subscriptions to periodicals is very high for the majority of the village people, and the Radio and TV are at the disposal of the power, the population from the rural regions stays uninformed about different fields of general interest. And this way they the rural people can be easily manipulated by those who have the monopoly on the informational market.

The right to information is fundamental, and limiting it, or even enclosing it, is an infraction of the human rights. Even if it is not declared by the official institutions, this is the situation of the absolute majority of the rural localities from Republic of Moldova. But in a society that is not informed, the public authorities can easily camouflage the inactivates or even the anti popular actions in the most cases.

Assurance, due to some well thought efforts and having the necessary logistic means, of the multilateral information of all the social levels, inclusively of the vulnerable and marginalized groups. In fact, at the moment, the majority of the village people can be treated from this very perspective.

The information will be effectuated via the following directions/objectives:

  • Informing on the actions decided by the Central Public Authorities; Informing on the actions decided by the Local Public Authorities; Initiating an interactive dialog between the decision factors and the simple citizen, according the priority to those who can not get into the “Chiefs” offices;
    • Informing on the actions that can be undertaken by each rural citizen – to be aware of the fact that to be informed means to be protected.
  • Concrete measures will be undertaken in order to make the citizen of the villages feel its involvement in the actions which will lead to the awareness of the fact that the political, economical, social situation depends on the real participation of each village inhabitant at the respective locality matters.
  • It is obvious that the village population is not homogeneous, that is why there will be identified the social groups, target groups with common characters and interests, with similar behavior when it is treated with promises by the power organs, identifying the groups with a certain way of thinking and appreciating the decisions taken by the authorities.
  • These groups are: the youngsters that are unsure, that are neglected in the labor sphere, and that do not have an immediate perspective; old people that are hopeless that are ready to elect anyone that promises a symbolic rise to the symbolic pension; the village intellectuals (professors, engineers, agronomists, doctors, librarians, etc), that lost out of the respect they once had and now they feel isolated and marginalized even by former students; employees from different fields that usually do not know the essence of the decisions of the Superior Instances, even if they totally contradict the interests of this group.

Editing some special supplements to the “Adevărul” (The Truth) publication, the topics of which will be fundamental rights and freedoms of the human. The ways of benefiting of these rights will be highlighted; we will assure the public participation at the decision-making process; the third sector strengthening, rural women life, civic education, ethnic and political harmony – all these will be issues for the “Adevărul”.

 Rural Development
 Education and Training

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