Best Practices in early stage financement

3 years ago

K D'Innovation



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The universe of business angels (BA) is not only based on the financial approach of start-ups projects. If they has been structured in networks since the very beginning of the 1990s.

However, from a practical point of view, a lot of things need to be done to bring out disruptive technological projects. The maturity of the projects presented is rarely realistic and the time to market is always underestimated. And this, despite a wide range of support structures that are admittedly specialized do not have the necessary vision to determine and anticipate when the project must release a viable product.

Only BAs can have this practical view. It is therefore a question of testing a new approach to technological projects, and the exchange of good practices at the European level.

 Enterprise and Industry
 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Start Up
 Technology Transfer
 Youth Exchanges

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