3 months ago




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At both the European level and within individual European countries, socio-professional integration remains a major challenge, particularly for:

  • Individuals furthest removed from the labor market;
  • Public Employment Services that support them;
  • Companies that, beyond formal qualifications, increasingly value soft skills in their recruitment processes.

While open badges are gradually gaining recognition, their use in the field of integration remains limited. Yet, these digital tools hold significant potential for highlighting skills, fostering reflective practices, and enhancing recognition of inclusive efforts. By making often informal but essential knowledge visible, they create a tangible link between job seekers and companies.

However, the lack of a structured framework and insufficient recognition within economic ecosystems hinder their adoption. It has become imperative to develop shared standards, strengthen the use of badges through corporate endorsements, and raise awareness among public and private stakeholders about their strategic role in inclusive recruitment practices.

"BADGE UP" is an innovative program leveraging open badges to raise awareness of skills critical for socio-professional integration, from the perspective of both job seekers and companies committed to inclusive hiring practices.

These digital badges certify the acquisition of skills or participation in activities, making them valuable tools for recognizing and showcasing talents.

To democratize their use, BADGE UP will develop a framework for inclusive practices, skills, and commitments by companies, highlighting their role in recruitment and the professional development of their employees.

The project will also rely on close collaboration with Public Employment Services to raise awareness, value, and support job seekers in recognizing their skills and commitments within a professional context.

Project Objectives:

  • Highlight the skills and commitments of job seekers through Open Badges.
  • Create a framework of practices, skills, and commitments for companies and Public Employment Services.
  • Develop a project at the European level.

 Digital Economy
 Education and Training
 Adult Learning

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