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Zvyšovanie záujmu žiakov o vzdelanie a jazyky
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Goal of the project: A) For the institution: 1. Modernizytion and inovation of the educational process iby gaining and further using of new methods and technics obtained during trainings. 2. by bringing into school new interesting activities and methods - to improve the pupil´s motivation to learn, strenghten their craving for education and knowledge, improving their learning results, strenghten their relationship towards school and therefore make them want to continue their studies. B) For the participant: 1) Motivation towards creativity in educational process, 2) expending their horizon towards european dimension, 3) gaining new contacts for future cooperation, 4) inspiration, 5) increasing competencies C) For pupils: 1. more pleasant and effective ways of obtaining new knoledge, 2. lessen the stress and bad feelings of integrated and less successful pupils because of their failure to cope with the curriculum, 3. asset of new interesting aspects into education, that would make the pupils look forward to each and every lesson Activities: befor the mobilities - 1. choosing relevant trainings and training institutions, 2. organization of provisions of the mobilities, 3. specification of the qoals and tasks of each participant of the project. mobilities - participants will take part in trainings with various subjects concerning inovative methods and technics in education, which should also help to internacionalize our school After returning from mobilities: 1. Presentation of experiences and gained knowledge, 2. Open classes applying new methods, 3. application of experiences into every day teaching, 4. written summary and accounting of the mobility, 5. creation of databaze with new activities and technics, 6. creation of questionaires for pupils in which they will evaluate the activities from model classes from their point of view. Profile of participants: The 7 participants teach languages (English, German and Russian) but also geography, citizenship, arts, technical education and ICT. 2 teachers teach 1. - 4. grades, 2 participants teach 5. -9. grade and 3 both. All of them are fully qualified in their majors and they are continuasly increasing their education and qualifications. Some of them are class leaders and some are leaders of after-school-activity groups in our school. Results: Enrichment of the educational proces with new interesting aspects, which will motivate pupils towards further education. They will rise the quality of work with integrated children with various educational and behavioral disconviences, rise the motivation of pupils as well as teachers, making education more pleasant and improving the relationship between pupils and teachers, creation of methodological aids upon experiences (material and ICT tools) Impact: higher motivation ofpupils to learn and continue in their studies, decrease of poorly thriving pupils, increase in creativity and motivation of teachers upon sharing of results of participants, internationalizatrion of educational process in our school, improving of participant´s competencies. Long-term benefits: Gained experiences and knowledge are planned to be integrated into every day´s education, creation ofdatabase of various activities as a methodological tool for future.
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