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Zonas rurales sin fronteras: Let's get closer to Europe through CLIL and ITC methodology
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In a rural disadvantaged area, where there are no language private schools or native teachers that can improve our pupils' oral competence, where the rate of school failure is too high, and where the interest for foreign languages is very low, we have been teaching in a Bilingual Project in English for some years now. We teach Physical Education and Maths in English. In the present school year we have added Social Studies to the Non Linguistic Areas involved in the Project. We think the Bilingual section has improved our pupils' motivation highly. The teachers that are part of the Project of the Bilingual Section want and have to recycle, attend a course that teaches them about CLIL aspects and new methodological approaches, and also in new ICT tendencies applied to the teaching of languages Our main objectives are the acquisition of new technologies, with regard to CLIL methodology mainly and ICTs, and also to make contact with other teachers and European schools to apply for an Erasmus + partnership in the near future. We believe that both objectives will undoubtedly improve the European dimension of our school, because the contact and exchanges with students from other countries, as well as the common projects through etwinning will make the promotion of languages get bigger. The importance of Europe as a whole will also be enlarged. In the same way, the teachers who will participate in the courses will get new knowledge and will improve their professional abilities regarding the teaching of their subjects in English (in the case of the non linguistic subjects or CLIL) and regarding the updating of language teaching and new technologies (in the case of the English teacher-coordinator of the bilingual section). Furthermore, during and after the courses we will be able to create some materials which will be henceforth part of a materials bank which will be in the school accessible to all members of the teaching staff. The teachers involved in the Bilingual Project want and must update their linguistic competence, they would attend a course which teaches them CLIL new aspects and also new methodological approaches, as well as new technologies (Information Technology, video, smartboards...) in teaching and learning of languages. The project we want to accomplish would start with courses for teachers abroad in the aspects mentioned above and would go on with etwinning and school associations to make exchange programmes in the future. The Bilingual Section coordinator would attend a course in methodological updating and CLIL and New Technologies. Three teachers from the Bilingual Sections would attend courses in CLIL. This would be done during the summer of 2016 in Ireland. After the courses, we will make work groups at the school for all the teachers to teach them the last tendencies in new technologies and CLIL. A press notice will be written for the Student's Magazine and also for the regional newspapers where we will list all the contents and objectives of the courses and how the stay of the teachers will help make our students' exchanges in the future. This exchange will be prepared for the students of the Bilingual Project courses, who will be benefited from the stay abroad in their oral language skills (especially listening and speaking), which our students find the most difficult. Apart from the benefits for the students (their teachers will acquire new methods of teaching in the courses which they attend), we will carry out some projects with other European schools through etwinning, projects about Science and Physical Education, since these two subjects have been in the bilingual section for very long. We don't exclude to do a project in Social Sciences in a bit further future. Thanks to the course about methodological updating and ICTs, we will be able to teach the rest of the teaching staff the use of new technologies, mostly regarding the smartboard, because we have had smartboards in our classrooms for two years now and we are not taking as much advantage of them as we could.
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