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"Знайте корените си!"
Start date: Aug 4, 2016, End date: Feb 3, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the multilateral youth exchange "Кnow your roots!" our cultural organization "Idel" will host 37 young people from Italy, Spain, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria for the period 4-11 November 2016 in Karlovo, Bulgaria. On the one hand our project aims at preserving the national cultural-historical identity, on the other hand it aims at raising young people's knowledge of the cultural diversity of Europe and developing them as tolerant and open to differences people. Under the project the young people will exchange knowledge of the cultural-historical heritage of their countries, will break cultural stereotypes about European countries, will foster tolerance, mutual understanding and social inclusion of all, irrespective of their gender, race, ethnic or religious background. The agenda is full of diverse non-formal methods linked to the topic of the project such as role games, case studies, energisers, group discussions, special missions and practical tasks. Through the study visits to the "Antique Karlovo" Complex, the Historical Museum and the House-Museum of the national hero of Bulgaria -Vasil Levski,the young people will feel the spirit of ancient history, crafts and traditions. By visiting the"Plovdiv -European Capital of Culture" Headquarters and the "Europe Direct " Centre the young people will get to know the role of these institutions and will seek their help in their countries as well.The common intercultural evening and the cultural presentations in the evenings where each country will present its cuisine, customs and culture together with the daily discussions, role plays and energizers will contribute to fostering the intercultural dialogue, tolerance and will enhance the awareness of European citizenship among the project participants.Special attention will be given to the "Erasmus+" programme and the session for attracting local stakeholders so the young people can implement future cultural-historical projects for their communities. As a follow up activity every partner will organise info-meetings in their communities where they will invite more young people and interested representatives of cultural and educational institutions among whom they will popularise the project activities. Thus we will foster more young people and institutions to work together for preserving the cultural-historical identity of their people.
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6 Partners Participants