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Získavanie pracovných skúsenosti v cudzojazyčnom prostredí
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The general truth: Its better to see it once than to hear it a hundred times is very accurate in the case of vocational training. The students with their active attitude to learn new things improve the effectivity of the teaching process. The vocational training abroad is a great opportunity for them to improve their chances on the job market, since they can transform their theoretical knowledge into practical skills, and to compare how firms operate abroad and at home. They will also be able to compare the organizations, their system of work, their technical and technological equipment, their software (mainly is the shipping companies) and their compatibility with the equipment of firms in Slovakia. Students will need to use English language. They can find out that speaking a foreign language became a primary need and it is inevitable in order to find a job position. The mobility abroad improves their self-confidence, since they will need to deal with the common and work tasks (or problems) in a foreign language. They will be happy to share their experience with the younger students, or with the less active ones, who will be motivated by this way to improve their activity in school and to get into a vocational training abroad. The function of the vocational subject practice (and of this project as well), which is part of the vocational training, is to teach students how to use their theoretical knowledge and skill in work placements in order to solve problems and tasks. At the work placements (e.g. in the field of transport, bookkeeping, shipping, HR, banking, customs declaration,logistics) they can carry out or watch the organizational and economic activities, which agree with their future possible job tasks with the possibility to use the English language, which is typical for the field of transport, since transport has a global character. Students will be able to work with the latest technologies and tools, computer programmes and documents, that are used in transport, they can watch the marketing activities of the organization, learn about the logistic strategies and steps. We would like to send for the vocational training abroad 20 students: 1. operation and economics of transport - 15 2nd-year students 2. operation and economics of transport - 5 4th-year students We would like to send our students to Italy (Milan) into two firms: CLO and SOGEMI. From the description of the firms it is possible to deduce that these firms are large with several departments, which enable students to gain a certain picture about the sectors of their field. Problems and needs: -students need everyday communication in English language, they need to learn how to express themselves in everyday and in professional communication, they need to develop their professional vocabulary -students need to see the work in foreign firms, in order to compare the methods and processes at home and abroad -students have only a limited possibility within our vocational subjects to work with the equipment, tools and machines, our host firms have more of these tools, so the work of the students will be more professional, intensive and of a better quality - students need to see the technical activities in transport - assembly and removal of tires, wheel balancing, control and setting of geometry, diagnostics of a car, etc. - by this way they can see how big foreign firms operate and they can acquire valuable experience -students need to see the work of transport and shipping firms The main aims of the project: -to learn about the work of transport and shipping firms -to learn about the technical work of transport firms: assembly and removal of tires, wheel balancing, control and setting of geometry, diagnostics of a car, etc. -to improve linguistic skills in everyday and professional communication -to learn how to use the software of the firms -to develop the theoretical knowledge of the students -to learn about the new methods, steps in the field of operation and economics of transport, about new equipment, tools By participating in this project, our school becomes more visible and it improves its position in a more and more competing environment. The connection to practice is not sufficient anymore. We need to move the line and develop the international cooperations within the EU, in a same way as the job market for our students broadens. Even if our school has a regional character, its perspective is global. We teach in a strategic way, taking into consideration the needs of the market. In order to help our students to find a job after finishing school, we would like them to develop their independence and responsibility for their future. Students with a work experience abroad become for their potential employers more attractive.
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