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Zintegrowane nauczanie języka i przedmiotu (CLIL) - nową szansą na rozwój szkoły
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The title of the project which is run in ZespółSzkółPonadgimnazjalnych nr 2 w Brzesku is “Content and Language Integrated Learning- a new chance for the school development”. It is going to be run from 01.12.2016 to 30.11.2018. Our school has over forty years old and 1000 students are being taught here currently. There are almost 100 teachers working in our school. We educate students at secondary level in many different technical faculties such as: mechanics, catering and gastronomy, mechatronics, electronics, land surveying, IT and construction. The other students study in vocational school. Our school is the biggest one in Brzesko district and is a very important centre of education. This is the reason why we want to develop ourselves continuously, use the latest didactic methods and technologies and pay a lot of attention to foreign languages knowledge. By these means we would like to provide our students with versatile development which enables them to compete in a very demanding job market. The main objectives and activities of the project are:1. Language and methodology training for 2 groups of teachers.The first group is the teachers who have been preparing themselves to introduce CLIL elements during their lessons. The other group is teachers who are going to prepare themselves to be able to teach using CLIL elements in English or German language.The first group in going to start teaching using this method in school year 2016/2017 and the second in 2018/2019.2. Training teachers who will be able to use modern technologies and attractive and effective teaching methods. 3. Introduction of CLIL teaching in technical school classes, during chosen general and vocational subjects.4. Promoting appropriate attitude among students and changing preventive and didactic school system. 5. The creation of the European dimension of school by engaging in international cooperation and exchange of professional experience.The project will involve a total of 27 people. These are the teachers of vocational subjects mechatronic, electrical, mechanical, catering, information technology, surveying, general subjects : mathematics, general informatics, physics, geography, biology, chemistry, history, business, physical education, the Polish language, knowledge of the culture, English, German and educator, psychologist - counselor and deputy director for educational affairs.The project participants will be trained in the language of the country, and then gone abroad for training purpose: the acquisition of appropriate language competence, methodological, interpersonal, exchange of experience and gaining international contacts. They will take language training, observation in schools and specialized, including the CLIL, teaching the use of modern means of computer or in a related subject taught by them. After completing the training, teachers will be competences, which share with other school staff, prepare materials for teaching CLIL in English and German, will introduce newly learned and useful method to his workshop and will teach CLIL. Educator, psychologist, counselor and deputy director, based on his observations propose changes in the preventive and educative purpose of prevention of various negative phenomena and promote desirable attitudes. Project participants engage in international cooperation project using its experience, knowledge, contacts and eTwining platform. They take efforts to organize foreign internships and participation in foreign projects and trips abroad for training students and teachers.Thanks to the project:- the school will have plenty of qualified staff applying modern teaching methods in their work, including elements of the integrated teaching of language and subject matter in English or German using the latest computerized means,- based on the experience gained during the exchange of experiences with other schools, teachers we introduce changes in our institution aimed at promoting the right attitudes and prevention,- we create our students and the surrounding counties innovative method of learning opportunities,- we take action on various international cooperation to give our school a European dimension,- we take measures to keep the number of opening branches, which involves the maintenance of employment levels and the level of funding our school.

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