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Zeka ve Akıl Oyunlarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar ve Eğitici Eğitimi
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Today, to able to produce unusual, unique and alternative solutions for daily or fictional problems ensure individuals and society a base to generate plus value for their lives. Mind games are used as an effective tool with various games and activities for development of students’ mental capacity and skills. Innovative approaches for education in both Europe and Turkey show the importance of skills targeted via mind games course. Mind games course have been added to the curriculum of secondary schools as an optional course in our country since 2012. ‘Mind Games Training of Trainers’ is given as an in-service training by the ministry. The ministry has provided only 81 teachers’ training in two years. Teachers studying in the Canik district of Samsun province could not benefit from limited mind games training adequately conducted by the ministry and private enterprises. The target group, under responsible of Canik district of Directorate of National Education, is considered a disadvantage group in terms of social, economic and cultural. One of the main goals of our directorship is to provide the necessary training to educate reading, thinking and questioning individuals for powerful tomorrow of our district’ people. 525 students have chosen ‘Mind Games’ optional course among 11 533 total students in our district area in 2014-2015 academic year. It is estimated this number to be close 1 000 students in 2015-2016 academic year. The number of qualified training teacher is not adequate to achieve aims of ‘Mind Games’ course. 9 secondary schools from 16 schools were added to project consortium at our district area. 18 teachers who studied and interested on this course in our district and have at least 5 years of teaching experience will be get "Mind Games Teacher Training" for 10-day in Belgium. Our teachers will be educated on ‘Mind Games’ at Eekhoutcentrum institution which is our partner in Belgium that supports to innovation, personal development, in-service training since 1976 to present. And our teachers will develop skills of team work, and they will be part of formation of common word civilization as sharing their experiences. The trained teachers will make suggestions to families and teachers of students about strategies improving students’ mind game skills at home. These teachers will get opportunity to inform students’ family about how they incorporated into their children’ educational process by studying together students’ family. Thus, they will be able to guide to new teachers wish to take training in this field. This project eventually will allow students and teachers to get training for mind games field in the EU standards. Also it will provide to them discover and develop their skills. Consequently, the present project will lead to studies about ‘Mind Games’ courses organized by Ministry of Education and our province.
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