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Zdrava šola - ozaveščeni učitelji: ''HEALTHY SCHOOL - HEALTHY TEACHERS''
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Healthy School – Healthy Teachers Context: II.gimnazija Maribor is the school which opens all doors. It is widely recognized institution with students who are not only successful academically but also in extra-curricular activities and in international competitions. A considerable number of our students enrol to universities abroad. It is our duty as teachers to constantly develop professionally as this is the only way we will be able to offer more to our students. We have decided to take up a project which incorporates the use of IT, the latest teaching methodology and seeks a balance in promoting healthy life style (physical and mental) as well as creativity in all fields of education. Our idea was summarized in the motto of the project: Healthy school – healthy teachers. The main idea of our project is stress relief through well organised school work, promoting a healthy way of life, increased creativity in class by using the latest teaching methodology and the use of IT. It is through the recognition of aesthetic beauty that the creative journey in Art history takes place. The chosen topics are part of the curriculum in subjects such as Art History, English and PE. Global goals are to increase the quality of teaching at school, to increase the over all well-being of students and teachers, to increase the level of spoken and written English, to enhance knowledge about the British culture, to promote international relations with Great Britain, Finland and Portugal, to use new teaching methodology, to promote a healthy lifestyle, to promote stress management with the use of healthy nutrition and exercise, to attract as many students and teachers as possible, to share "good practice" in class and to present final products (e.g. writing poetry or dramatization as part of stress relief – see attachment). Number and profile of participants: 6 teachers from II. gimnazija Maribor, Slovenia. English teachers: Polona Vehovar, Jasnica Bobičić, Emil Pečnik, Jasna Sukič Krajnc; PE teacher: Matjaž Vehovar and Petra Čeh: Art History teacher. Description of activity: Each participant has found a suitable course relevant for the actual needs of the school. The newly leaned knowledge from various courses will be incorporated into one advertising campaign "Healthy school – Healthy teachers". We are going to broaden student's register related to healthy food, exercise, stress/conflict management. In the art class students will study anthropometry and anatomy, focusing on cultural elements and intercultural dialogue. All activities will be presented by using IT (e.g. Online classroom, blog, FB, Twitter, videos, podcasts, vodcasts). Methodology of the project: Preparation and Planning: 1. project group led by Polona Vehovar analyses the current situation, defines the needs and goals, plans possible activities. The project is then presented. 2. Mobility – participants take part in their chosen courses. 3. The activities are executed on different levels: in class (as part of the curriculum: Sport for Health, international cooperation, creative writing, attending museum and gallery exhibitions), lectures and cooperation with the University of Maribor. 4. Project assessment 5.End of the project hiking for all participants ("Gremo mi po svoje").Europass self-evaluation test: results and project assessment. 6. Dissemination: articles, presentations, workshops. Expected results: Better quality of teaching, better knowledge of English (teacher's and student's), better physical and mental well-being of both students and teachers, enhanced knowledge about the Anglo-Saxon culture, international cooperation with great Britain, Finland, Portugal, more exercise and healthy food, relaxed, student-friendly atmosphere in class, enhanced motivation in class, final products such as Online classroom, on- line newspaper, materials, brochure, manual, leaflet, etc.

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