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Zdrava hrana za zdravo življenje - razvoj živilskih izdelkov z dodano vrednostjo in višjo kakovostjo (ZDRAVA HRANA ZA ZDRAVO ŽIVLJENJE)
Start date: Feb 28, 2009, End date: Feb 27, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project partners would like to achieve measurable and long-term results that will increase quality of public health in frontier regions next to simultaneous development of human sources and to preservation of environment; - transfer of good practices and promotion of healthy way of life through preparing and realization of international events; prevetion of the hazards for typical civilization diseases, during promotion of healthy lifestyle; homogenizing different standards of hygiene, safety and quality of foodstuffs to unified model Higienomics; preparing guidelines for needs of protective health care and treatments with nutrition; search of market niches and business opportunities in economy concerning health food; - establishment of web information platform, where data and analyses concerning healthy nutrition will be accessible. Expected Results: Implementation of the international professional workshops (at least 4); common base of knowledge (1); preparation of the e-materials with analyses and good practices (at least 10);  preparation of the strategic documentation (1); realization of the microbiological analyses and studies (at least 2); Condition review in the hospitals (2); preparation of the technological procedures and construction of the model about the production of safe food (15 – 20); standardization of the procedures (1); validation of the procedures (1); determination of the gene record (1); microbiological validation (1); closing verification (1); preparation of the researching-guided degrees (at least 2); preparing of the business plans (at least 2); foundation of the new company (at least 1); preparation of the integrated graphic image (1); establishment of the international web platform (1); realization of the international promotional events (2).
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  • 57.2%   220 084,26
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Hungary (SI - HU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants