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Zahraničné mobility – nové skúsenosti, vedomosti a zručnosti
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project supports the vision of the school. It is based on openness, modernization and internationalization of education process. The result should be satisfied graduates, applicable to the job market in their field in the Slovak Republic but also abroad. One of the tools to achieve the objectives is the implementation of international mobility and strengthening partnerships with potential employers within the European Union.The internships will be organized for the students of the 3rd year from specialization Medical Assistant (MA) and Masseur (MAS). The demandingness of both medical professions requires wide special expert knowledge, skills and broad general education.The main objectives of the project are:a) the total number of participants is 17, of which 9 students of specialization Medical assistant, 5 of specialization Masseur and 3 accompanying teachers; b) to allow participants to put into practice in work in a strange environment abroad their knowledge and skills obtained in theoretical and practical education at school and in workplaces in the Slovak Republic.c) to develop expertise and core competencies of the students (described in the State Educational Programme and in the School Educational Programme for ZA and MAS issued by the Ministry of Health of Slovak republic and by the school, being posted on the school website)d) to support their independence, ability to integrate into the team, to understand the professional language terminology in Czech language and in English language. e) to strengthen partnerships with organizations in the countries of EU,f) to get the feedback about the quality of educational process in specialization in ZA and MAS,g) to apply the certification of ECVET.The main activities of the project include: communication with partner organizations, planning the work programs of the participants, gathering information and prepare documents for the certification ECVET, participation in seminars, applying ECVET certification as a tool for the assessment of educational outcomes; preparation and implementation of professional, cultural and linguistic preparation of participants; implementation of mobility; monitoring of the internships; evaluation of the results of internships, certification of the participants of the internships, spreading of project results.All the runs will last two-weeks1st run - internship at Hospic at Svatý Kopeček, the Czech Republic (4 students of profession Medical Assistant (ZA) plus one accompanying person) June 20162nd run - internship at Orchard House Midlands Ltd, UK, (5 students, profession Medical Assistant (ZA) plus one accompanying person) June 20173rd run: internship at Spa Luhačovice, Czech Republic (5 students, profession Masseur (MAS) plus one accompanying person) June 2017The main content of internships for specialization ZA is to observe and implement working procedures, attitude to clients , to use the newest working aid, derma - protective agents, additional bed aids, team work organization, employment of client, to get familiar with hospice and palliative care. It is important for the trainees in the UK to apply English language in the workplace and in everyday situations.The main content of internships in Spa Luhačovice is to present to our students the abilities of application, therapeutical effects and use of medicinal mineral springs, climatetherapeutics on a wide range of disease, which are used in this spa, the use of these therapies in children from an early age to youth. Last but not least they will be able to assess the development of the use and application of medicinal mineral springs in the past and present.Project outputs:a) implemented internships for 17 participants, of them 14 students and 3 accompanying persons; b) obtaining professional work experience, knowledge and skills;c) language, cultural and professional preparation of the participants;d) application of the certification system;e) establishment of new cooperation with the three EU organizations whose focus and activity is interesting for secondary education in medical school.Impacts of the project:a) improving of the actual educational process itself and its outcomes at school; b) increasing of the employability of the graduates;c) increasing of the motivation of the students and the pedagogical staff of school;d) internationalization and modernization of processes at school;e) introduction of the European dimension into the processes at school and in partner organizations.
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