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Zagraniczny staż słuchaczy i nauczycieli Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego w Wyszkowie kluczem do sukcesu szkolnictwa zawodowego
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is going to be realized in a form of three – week foreign technical training, in companies dealing with production, trading and service branches and agriculture. The realization of this practice is going to take place one year. The participants of this project will be 17 students from the Education Center who educate in agriculture and economical areas. The offer will be directed to the students 18+. The participants of this project will be 10 teachers from the vocational education and training (VET) sector.The main aim of this project is to improve practical skills of 17 students from technical classes (agriculture and economical specializations) and their 10 teachers from the Education Center in Wyszkow so as to make their later professional and personal development easier.Detailed aims (hard):• Gaining additional qualifications, the expansion of 17 students’ knowledge in agriculture and economical professions.• Getting to know the requirements which are put on students/ employees in a partner’s country by 17 students.• The improvement of 17 students’ and teachers' English language skillsDetailed aims (soft):• the development of social and public skills (endurance, precision, dutifulness, cooperation in groups)• an increase in motivation towards learning, higher professional and personal aspirations• the alignment of educational chances, especially for students coming from villages or with special educational needs• enabling students to gain extra skills and knowledge which will make further education easier and/or the choice of a professional path• the improvement of the quality of provided educational services at school• an increase in key competence• a growth in students’ self-esteem• a better preparation of school graduates in labor market• the establishment of cooperation: between labor market institutions and school, in terms of two-directional information flow and the accuracy of offered educational services• transnational cooperation ( the introduction of innovatory system solutions in technical training, an increase in vocational students’ mobility, an increase in the number of graduates who are open towards other cultures and posses language skills at an extended level)The sources of verification: - attendment list- training register (every day)- evaluation forms (two during the project)- final reports- diagnostic vocational tests (two during the project)Needs:• students’ needs (the usage of theoretical knowlege in practice, vocational mobility, expanding language skills inc. technical language, the willingness to check onself in a stressful situation, becoming independent, making contacts with future employers)• teachers’ needs (the usage of practical knowlege, vocational mobility, expanding language skills)• school needs (the improvement of educational quality, a growth in educational competitivness, gaining prestige, recruitment improvement, giving the assurence of a good professional start to students)• Polish and foreign employers’ needs (raising demand for agriculture specialists with an international experience)• District, province and country needs (promotion, hiring skilled workers, the development of agriculture branch).
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